Geisler Gazette

Iowa Tests of Basic Skills The Iowa Test of Basic Skills will be administrated during the week of March 23-26. Please make sure students get plenty of sleep, have a good breakfast, and are at school on time this week. Please also try to avoid any absences during this...


Snack: Thankyou Bella, for bringing snack on Friday, March 6th. Emily will bring snack on Friday, March 13th. We have one slot open for second semester, take a look using the following QR Code Class Wishlist: Our class wish list can viewed using the QR Code below....

Geisler Gazette

Pop Quiz Tests and quizzes are a part of life, whether we are in school, or in a job, we are always being tested. The tests we face in our day to day lives are tests of character. Am I honest with myself and others? Do I take my time to do a task, and make sure that...