Wallschlaeger’s Weekly

Dear First Grade Parents,                                                       Sept. 20, 2021

          Not this Wednesday but next Wed. the 29th, the First Graders will be singing in Chapel.  Please reserve that day and join us for Chapel if you can.  Also, the Memory for this week and next will be the words to the song we will be singing in Chapel.

          Next Tuesday is picture day.  On that day students may dress in nice clothes for their picture to be taken.  If your child dresses in fancy shoes, please have them bring a comfortable pair of shoes to change into after their picture is taken.

          This week the students will be making pictures for Kids Kreations our Fall Fundraiser.  Families have the option of submitting another piece of artwork. If you choose to submit a picture from home you will need to download it to http://www.kidskreations.us/artwork-projects. Pictures must be submitted by Oct. 4th. After the pictures are returned you will have the option of having your child’s picture printed on many different items such as mugs, aprons, blankets etc. These items will then be able to be purchased for Christmas presents.

I hope you have a great week. May God bless your week!


                                                                             Mrs. Wallschlaeger

Important Dates to remember:

Sept. 28- Picture Day

Sept. 29- First Grade Sings in Chapel

October 8- End of First Quarter

Oct. 15- 1st Quarter Report Cards issued

Oct. 18-22- Fall Break (No School)

October 28-29- Parent/Teacher Conferences (Noon dismissal)

This Week’s Memory:

(Due Wed.)

Bless our parents, friends and teachers. Bless all those with whom we pray.

 (Due Fri.)

Show us how to help each other, in the things we do and say.

This week’s Spelling words:

bed      men      red      step      ten      met      leg      jet      sled      wet

Bonus: saw, your