Wallschlaeger’s Weekly
October 25, 2021
Dear First Grade Parents,
This week is Parent Teacher Conferences. Remember there will be a Noon dismissal on the 28th and the 29th. There will also be daycare on those days. All students may order a sack lunch which is still part of the free lunch program on the days of the P/T’s conferences. Your child may be picked up at noon or they may stay for daycare. If you haven’t signed up yet for a teacher conference, please do so as soon as possible. Here is the link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4daba82ea4ffc25-1stgrade
This week in Science we continue studying warm blooded animals and the different body parts that God gave them to help them survive. In Language we have been learning about adjectives. This week I want the students to write about their pets using as many adjectives as they can. If they don’t have a pet, they can write about a pet that they would like to have.
The assignment will be written in class and read on Friday. I would also, like the students on Friday to bring in a couple of pictures of their pet to show the class after they have read their report. Please no more than 1 or 2 pictures, no photo albums.
This week the First Grade is having a spell down for the ILS Spelling Bee in November. Last week your child received a list of the words that they can study from if they are interested in being in the Spelling Bee. All students will be taking the test and them I will choose 2 students from the class to represent our class in the Spelling Bee. Because of the spell down and because it is a short week there is no new Spelling words this week.
This Friday is Trunk or Treat starting at 5:30 p.m. This is a family night of fun. Students may dress up. There will be dinner and games to play. For those who are new to Immanuel, Trunk or Treat night is where families open and decorate their trunks. Games are set up in the trunks for students to play and earn candy. Costumes may be worn as long as they are not scary or ghoulish. For more details, check Panther Tales or contact me.
Mrs. Wallschlaeger
Important Dates to remember:
October 28-29- P/T Conferences (Noon dismissal) Daycare available.
October 29- Trunk or Treat
This week’s Memory: Due on or before Friday
The Ninth Commandment
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.
(Due. Fri.)-
The Tenth Commandment
You shall not covet you neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox or donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
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