Wallschlaeger’s Weekly

                                                                                               Nov. 1, 2021

Dear First Grade Parents,

In Bible class we have been studying how God Blesses Leaders. This week we will studying King David and how God used David to bless his people. In Science we are still studying animals and their habitats. In Social Studies we will be talking about different types of jobs. In music we are starting to work on songs for the Christmas musical.

If you ever need a copy of the class parent letter, you can go to the school website and get a copy off the website.  Here is the link that will take you to the First Grade Portal.  www.immanuelabq.org/protected/1st-grade-parent-portal/  You can also have your child ask for a hard copy of the Parent Letter if you need one.

          A book order is coming home Monday with your child.  The order is due by next Wednesday, Nov. 10.  If you would like to order books from the book order, you can order on line, or have your child bring the order to me.  If your child brings the order to school, please make checks payable to Scholastic or send cash in an envelope with your child’s name on it, along with the book order.  If you would like to order on line the code for our classroom is H4JYR. 

I hope you have a great week.  May God’s love keep you warm this week!


                                                           Mrs. Wallschlaeger

Upcoming evets for November:

Nov. 12- ILS Spelling Bee

Nov. 23- Thanksgiving Luncheon

Nov. 24-26-Thanksgiving Break- No School

This week’s Spelling words: 

like       ride      smile      time      white      bike      dime      hide      ice      kite     Bonus:  who, work 

This week’s Memory:

(Due Wed.) “The Lord is near to all who call on   Him.” Psalm 145:18

(Due Fri.) It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you Do not fear. Deuteronomy 31:8