Pop Quiz

Tests and quizzes are a part of life, whether we are in school, or in a job, we are always being tested.

The tests we face in our day to day lives are tests of character. Am I honest with myself and others? Do I take my time to do a task, and make sure that task is fully completed?

When I was a student, I hated tests, I thought the tests I took was made to show me how un-academic I was. I struggled with spelling and grammar, math was not my forte, neither were science or social studies. What I failed to realize then, was that these tests were just as important to the teacher as they were for me as a student.

The tests were not to show me that I was not a good academic, but to show me what I needed to work more in, where I needed to be more diligent in my life.

Just as we are tested academically, we are tested spiritually. When we are tested spiritually, it’s not so God knows if we are ready to move on, but for us to be able to grow, so we can take that next steep when God tells us to.

Psalm 139:16 says, “. . . all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” God knows every detail of our lives, before He laid the foundations of the earth, He knew every detail about each one of us.

I still don’t like tests, I don’t like giving them, I don’t like grading them, but I like that I can see where my students need help, and I can watch them grow, just as God watches me grow.

Mrs. Geisler

Snack: Thank you, Bella for bringing snack on Friday, February 14th. Tyler and Zack will bring snack on Friday, February 21st. We have four slots open for second semester, take a look using the link: https://www.signupgenius.com/index.cfm?go=s.signup&urlid=805084da8a62fa1fe3-snack&view=calendar&mo=1583020800

Class Wishlist: Our class wish list can viewed using the following link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1N0KEK8SFV2GP/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_2?_encoding=UTF8&type=wishlist

Jump Rope for Heart: Our kick-off for Jump Rope for Heart was this past Wednesday.  Envelopes for donations should have come home on Wednesday. In addition to cash donations, friends and family can also donate on-line, these instructions can be found on the donation envelope. Our Jump Rope for Heart event will be held Thursday, February 27th. Student Council will sponsor events on that day.

Book Orders: Book orders will be going home this week. This month Scholastic is offering a promotion where for each student that orders $10, I receive 100 bonus points. I use these points to buy books for the classroom, as well as to use for gifts for students. I can also purchase classroom supplies and gift cards using these points. Please have book orders turned in, or placed online by Friday, February 21st. Order by using our class link: https://orders.scholastic.com/VZBNW

Offering: Our chapel offering this quarter is going to support God Cares About You mission. This mission is also collecting new and gently used children’s shoes and socks in all sizes, and   women’s shoes in sizes 6-8.

Book Reports: Book reports are due on Friday, February 28th.  Forms for these reports were sent home at the start of 3rd quarter. If you need another copy of the book report form, please let me know.

Spelling Words:

  1. downstairs
  2. football
  3. cowboy
  4. houseboat
  5. railroad
  6. rainbow
  7. boyhood
  8. oatmeal
  9. soybean
  10. roadway
  11. outplay
  12. daydream


  • 13. none
  • 14. hour

Memory: For unto you is born this doy in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11