Thank you to all who contributed to the 5th grade auction basket. Thank you also, to all who attended the auction. We are grateful for the funds we raised to go toward purchasing new technology for the school.

We are working hard on putting the musical together. I will be sending home a note in the near future about your child’s costume. I wish we had an unlimited budget for production, but because we don’t, I will be asking each family to cover the cost of their child’s costume. Expect that note before Spring Break.

I am in need of help designing and constructing the set for the musical. The setting of the musical is a cruise ship, and I would like to come up with a simple boat design that is in levels so we can utilize the stage platforms. If anyone would like to help with that, please contact me ASAP. I also need two wooden oars for props, one approximately 3 feet long and one approximately 5 feet long. If you know of anyone who has something like that, please let me know.

ITBS testing is the week of March 23. Please try to avoid scheduling appointments for your child during school hours that week. However, we will be testing only in the mornings, so if you cannot avoid scheduling something, afternoons would be more convenient.

Spelling this week is Unit 25, and the test is on Friday. Memory this week is the Second Petition of the Lord’s Prayer, found on page 256 of the Religion book.

Here is the test schedule for this week:

  • Tuesday, March 10: Science
  • Friday, March 13: Social Studies, English

Have a great week!