Wallschlaeger’s Weekly

                                                                                                            Feb. 28, 2022

Dear First Grade Parents,

          March 2nd is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the six weeks before Easter. For the next six weeks Immanuel will have a special worship service and a Lenten supper beforehand. The supper starts at 5:00 and the worship service begins at six thirty. You are cordially invited join us and worship with us.

The students had a great time on Wednesday playing their instruments.  We had a musical instrument show and tell. Each student got to play their instrument for the class.  This week we will put all of our

instruments together to form a band. It will be a lot of fun. It will also help the students learn how important it is to stay together when playing in a band.  We will be practicing rhythm and staying together.

I would like to thank all of you parents for your generous donations to our Family Fun Basket.   We have a basket with many games, several gift cards, a popcorn popper, and a variety of snacks.  Our basket came to almost $400 dollars in value. Thank you.!


                                                           Mrs. Wallschlaeger

Important Dates in March:

Mar. 2- Ash Wednesday

Mar. 4- ILS Auction

Mar. 11- End of the 3rd Quarter

Mar. 14- Workshop for teachers/ No school

Mar. 15-18 Lutheran School’s Week

Mar. 18- Grandparents’ Day

Mar. 18- Report cards come home

Mar. 21-25- Spring Break

This week’s Memory:

(Due Mon.)  “May the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times.”

2 Thessalonians 3:16

(Due Fri.) “Your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”  Matthew 6:8

This week’s Spelling words:

boat      road      snow      row      yellow      loaf      coat      soap      blow

pillow  Bonus: wild, once