Wallschlaeger’s Weekly
August 23, 2021
Dear First Grade Parents,
We had a great first full week of school. I am happy to say that the students are doing a great job of doing homework and turning it in on time. We still need to work on getting it out of their backpacks when they get to school and handing it in. Other than that, things are going great. I would like to thank you parents, for your help in encouraging your child to complete and turn in their homework.
Our first unit in Bible Class is all about families. We have been
studying different families in the Old Testament and how God blessed them during difficult situations. Because God is faithful, He is still taking care and blessing families today, especially during difficult times.
In Science we are studying how to be a scientist and how to do experiments. Our first experiment this week was popping 2 different kinds of corn and discovering that not all corn pops.
This week we will be doing lessons on Positive Peer Pressure. We will be going over positive ways to stand up for yourself and when to get a teacher involved. We will also be working on how to say no to others when they might be leading you away from doing what is right.
I know this week’s Memory is long, but there is only one Memory assignment. We will be practicing it all week in class, but please review it at home as well. The Bible verse will also be used with the Positive Peer Interaction lessons.
This week there will be Spelling words to practice and a test over the words will be on Friday. Starting Monday, I will be sending home reading assignments. They will be stapled to your child’s Math homework. Please sign and have your child return it with their Math homework.
I hope you have a great week!
Mrs. Wallschlaeger
Important Dates to Remember:
Aug. 25 – Book orders due
Aug. 23-27- Positive Peer Interaction week
This week’s Memory: Due Fri. – “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32
This week’s Spelling words review the short a sound:
at can cat back dad am bat mad ran sack Bonus: way, come
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