March 7, 2020
Week Recap
We are excited for this week to come. Remember, the traps are due by Friday March 13. This will be the Show and Tell for the week. In Math, we worked on dot to dot counting, patterns, and shapes. In Literacy, we learned about the letter J and the difference between real and make-believe. In Science, we learned a bit about tadpoles. This will be an on-going lesson for the next several weeks. Along with the tadpoles, we also have caterpillars and ants that will be staying with us. This is a great way for the students to see the changes in the creatures and how they work to make it happen. Don’t forget on March 25, we lead Chapel. Please continue to practice their lines with your student.
Memory Work
Our Memory work will be due on Friday March 13. Please practice this verse with your student.
Sing to the Lord a new song Psalm 98:1
Thank you
I want to thank you all for helping the auction become a huge success! It was a great night of friends, fun, and laughter. I also want to thank the PTL for all their hard work.
Reading Minutes
I will be sending home the March Calendar for reading minutes this week. Please total the minutes, sign and return February Calendar to class this week. Thank you
Kindergarten and 1st Grade Roundup
There will be a Kindergarten and 1st grade Information Morning on Saturday March 14th, 9:30am-10:30 am. That morning parents will be able to meet the teacher, see the classroom, and learn more about the curriculum, and how the teachers work to help prepare your children for success. Please tell your friends and family about this special opportunity and please invite them to join us! If your family or friends cannot make it that day, we have set aside Thursdays to see ILS as we are! “Take a Tour Thursday” 9am- 2pm Thank you for sharing ILS with your friends and family!
Scholastic Book Orders
The orders are due by March 13. You can also view more options online at or place your order. Our class code is TK2VK. Thank you
Talent Show
The talent show is scheduled for Friday, March 20. If your child is interested in being a part of the Talent Show, please start planning now. Children can participate as an individual and in one group act. Please keep in mind that all the prep for the Talent Show is done outside of school time. If your child wants to do a group act, you will need to coordinate that with other parents. Please see the Panther Tales for more information, as it gets closer.
It is not too late to order a yearbook. Be sure to go online at to place your order.
Iowa Test of Basic Skills Week
Please be sure to keep March 23-27 free of any appointments for your child. It is very important for students to attend the entire day of school during the testing week. It is very difficult to schedule make up tests for ITBS. Thank you in advance for making the necessary changes on your schedule to allow your child to attend the entire week of school. Please make sure they get plenty of sleep and start each day with a healthy breakfast. Thank you!
It’s the Muppet Show
We are planning a field trip to the Albuquerque Museum on April 9 from 9-11:30. We will be observing the Jim Henson Exhibit. We will return to school in time for lunch. More information will be coming soon.
End of the Year
Below are the dates of many exciting events to come. It is a lot to see at once but before we know it, it will be the end of the year. I will have more details as the dates get closer, but I wanted you to be aware now so if you need to schedule time off to attend. Thank you
Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on this Monday March 9.
Important Dates
—–Monday March 9- In-Service NO SCHOOL
—–Friday March 13 – Traps Due
—–Friday March 13 – Report Cards go home
—–Saturday March 14 – Open House for Kindergarten & First Grade 9:30
—–Tuesday March 17 – Trap Day
—–Friday March 20 – Talent Show 6:30pm in Gym
—–Week of March 23 – 27 Iowa Tests
—–Wednesday March 25 – Chapel lead by Kindergarten
—–Spring Break –NO SCHOOL March 30 – April 5- Classes Resume on April 6
—–Thursday April 9 – Field trip Albuquerque Museum 9- 11:30am
—–Friday April 10 – NO SCHOOL Good Friday
—–Friday April 24 – Spring Musical 6:30pm
—–Friday May 8 – Field Day at Christ Lutheran
—–Tuesday May 12 – All Day Outing to the Zoo 9am –2pm
—–Friday May 15 – Noon dismissal- GRADUATION DAY 6:30pm
God’s Blessings,
Ms. Keator
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