March 15, 2020
Week Recap
The excitement is in the air! We have the traps at school and we will be placing them around the room to try and catch a leprechaun! We will set the traps on Monday and when we arrive Tuesday, we will see what we caught. The school days are moving fast this year and I am seeing growth and maturity in many of my students. This is such a blessing from God, to see each student developing and growing every day. In Religion, we are continuing to practice for our chapel day on March 25. We also are continuing to learn our memory and preparing for Holy Week. In Math, we are working on simple addition, counting by 2’s and word problems. In Music, we are preparing for our Spring Musical in April. It will be very entertaining! In Literacy, we learned the letter X, sight words, and reading. In Science, we have been observing our animals/insects that we have in class. This week the tadpoles grew in size but no legs yet and the caterpillars are now undergoing metamorphosis. We are still waiting for the ants to arrive. When they do, we will watch how they build their home and work together as a team.
Memory Work
This week’s memory will be to learn all their parts for Chapel. This includes when they need to say their lines. Please work on this with your student. Thank you.
Corona Virus
Please keep your student at home if they are not feeling well. We are continuing to sanitize and clean our room, desks, faucet/toilet handles, and doors daily. We have learned several different songs to sing while we are washing our hands. They include Happy Birthday, the intro to Star Trex, and a song by Matthew West, You Say, Wash Your Hands. The children heard this song during rest time and thought it was very funny. We will continue to keep you posted on all the latest information we receive. Mr. Angell sent out an email about this situation on Friday. If you did not receive it, please let me know and I can forward it to you. Thank you again for helping us keep everyone healthy and safe during this time. It is hard not to worry but put your faith in God above all and know HE is in control.
Talent Show
The Talent Show has been rescheduled to Tuesday, May 12 to avoid any issues with public gatherings during the restrictions. Never fear students will get an opportunity to showcase their talents.
Order your yearbook now! Order your school yearbook and personalize your two free pages by March 20, 2020 to guarantee free and on time delivery to the school. We will have a special all school yearbook signing event the last week of school. You can contact Ms. Baumann with any questions.
Water Bottles/Snacks
Please remember to pack their water bottle and morning snack daily. There have been many students without one or both items. Thank you
Iowa Test of Basic Skills Week
Please be sure to keep March 23-27 free of any appointments for your child. It is very important for students to attend the entire day of school during the testing week. It is very difficult to schedule make up tests for ITBS. Thank you in advance for making the necessary changes on your schedule to allow your child to attend the entire week of school. Please make sure they get plenty of sleep and start each day with a healthy breakfast. Thank you!
It’s the Muppet Show
We are planning a field trip to the Albuquerque Museum on April 9 from 9-11:30. Of course this is now tentative due to the virus. We will be observing the Jim Henson Exhibit. We will return to school in time for lunch. More information will be coming soon.
End of the Year
Below are the dates of many exciting events to come. It is a lot to see at once but before we know it, it will be the end of the year. I will have more details as the dates get closer, but I wanted you to be aware now so if you need to schedule time off to attend. Thank you
The Traps!
On Tuesday morning we will open the classroom door together at 8:30am. Please join us to see if we captured any Leprechauns! The students may place their backpacks outside the door and let me know if they need hot lunch. They may then go play at recess.
Important Dates
- Tuesday March 17 – Trap Day 8:30am
- Week of March 23 – 27 Iowa Tests
- Wednesday March 25 – Chapel lead by Kindergarten
- Spring Break –NO SCHOOL March 30 – April 5- Classes Resume on April 6
- Thursday April 9 – Field trip Albuquerque Museum 9- 11:30am
- Friday April 10 – NO SCHOOL Good Friday
- Friday April 24 – Spring Musical 6:30pm
- Friday May 8 – Field Day at Christ Lutheran
- Tuesday May 12 – All Day Outing to the Zoo 9am –2pm
- Tuesday May 12 – Art Show and Talent Show
- Friday May 15 – Noon dismissal- GRADUATION DAY 6:30pm
God’s Blessings,
Ms. Keator
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