February 29, 2020
Week Recap
March is right around the corner and we will be working hard to finish strong this year. We only have 48 days left in the school year for Kindergarten! Yes, only 48 days!! It is hard to believe how fast time flies by. We are improving everyday with our sight words, reading, and counting. I am very impressed with all the hard work each student is displaying. Please help you child continue to work on their skit lines, sight words, and counting. With a joint effort, we will increase their knowledge and continue to build their development and confidence. In Religion, we learned about Ash Wednesday and discussed how Jesus is our healer, both physically and spiritually. In Math, we worked on number recognition, shapes, and money. In Literacy, we explored the letter E, worked on rhyming words, and made lists of things to do in our community. On Thursday, we participated in many activities for Jump Rope for Heart. It was a great way to spend our afternoon and the students had a blast! We want to thank Student Council for providing and running this event.
Memory Work
Our Memory for this week is due on Friday March 6. Please practice this verse and their skit lines.
He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
Water Bottles/Snacks
They are currently working on replacing our water fountains outside our classroom. Please make sure your child has a water bottle and snack every day. Thank you
Show and Tell
Show and Tell for this week is something that starts with the letter J. Please bring the item in on Friday.
Reading Minutes
I will be sending home the March Calendar for reading minutes this week. Please total the minutes, sign and return February Calendar to class this week. Thank you
Kindergarten and 1st Grade Roundup
There will be a Kindergarten and 1st grade Information Morning on Saturday March 14th, 9:30am-10:30 am. That morning parents will be able to meet the teacher, see the classroom, and learn more about the curriculum, and how the teachers work to help prepare your children for success. Please tell your friends and family about this special opportunity and please invite them to join us! If your family or friends cannot make it that day, we have set aside Thursdays to see ILS as we are! “Take a Tour Thursday” 9am- 2pm Thank you for sharing ILS with your friends and family!
Auction Basket and Tickets
As you know our kindergarten theme is a Garden basket. The kindergarten class also created 2 colorful paintings on canvas that will be up for auction. We can call them “hands-on” art!! I want to invite you and your family to attend. IT’S A BLAST!
Help Immanuel Lutheran School raise funds for tablets, playground equipment, and textbooks at our 10th Annual ILS Auction! Grab your Luau clothes and join us for a silent and live auction as well as food, fun and fellowship! BBQ will be provided by Holy Smoke BBQ (Howe’s BBQ). There is food, desserts, drinks, dancing, and of course a lot of auction items. It’s a great way to support the school and get items for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, graduation, etc. Adults can relax that evening and so can the kids! There is a separate “party room” and babysitting for the kids! They get to play games, eat pizza and desserts, watch movies and do crafts!! After the live auction the kiddos join us for a dance party. Kids tickets and adult tickets are on sale in the school office now! I would love to have you join us! Let’s fill an entire table or 2 with kindergarten parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or anyone that you know that would have a great time and support a great cause at the same time!
Kindergarten Chapel
Please join us for Chapel on March 25. The students need to be in the class by 8:15.
It’s a Trap!!
For the week of March 16, each student will need to create a trap to see if we can catch any leprechauns. This is a fun and creative way to work on designing different types of contraptions. The traps can be any size, shape, color, etc. The traps need to be delivered the week of March 13. We will set up all the traps throughout the classroom on the 16th and see what we catch on the morning of March 17th. If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks
Scholastic Book Orders
The orders are due by March 13. You can also view more options online at www.scholastic.com or place your order. Our class code is TK2VK. Thank you
Talent Show
The talent show is scheduled for Friday, March 20. If your child is interested in being a part of the Talent Show, please start planning now. Children can participate as an individual and in one group act. Please keep in mind that all the prep for the Talent Show is done outside of school time. If your child wants to do a group act, you will need to coordinate that with other parents. Please see the Panther Tales for more information, as it gets closer.
It is not too late to order a yearbook. Be sure to go online at www.treering.com to place your order.
Iowa Test of Basic Skills Week
Please be sure to keep March 23-27 free of any appointments for your child. It is very important for students to attend the entire day of school during the testing week. It is very difficult to schedule make up tests for ITBS. Thank you in advance for making the necessary changes on your schedule to allow your child to attend the entire week of school. Please make sure they get plenty of sleep and start each day with a healthy breakfast. Thank you!
It’s the Muppet Show
We are planning a field trip to the Albuquerque Museum on April 9 from 9-11:30. We will be observing the Jim Henson Exhibit. We will return to school in time for lunch. More information will be coming soon.
End of the Year
Below are the dates of many exciting events to come. It is a lot to see at once but before we know it, it will be the end of the year. I will have more details as the dates get closer, but I wanted you to be aware now so if you need to schedule time off to attend. Thank you
Important Dates
« Friday March 6 – Auction starting at 5
« Monday March 9 – In-Service- NO SCHOOL
« Saturday March 14 – Open House for Kindergarten & First Grade 9:30
« Friday March 13 – Traps Due
« Friday March 13 – Report Cards go home
« Tuesday March 17 – Trap Day
« Friday March 20 – Talent Show 6:30pm in Gym
« Week of March 23 – 27 Iowa Tests
« Wednesday March 25 – Chapel lead by Kindergarten
« Spring Break –NO SCHOOL March 30 – April 5- Classes Resume on April 6
« Thursday April 9 – Field trip Albuquerque Museum 9- 11:30am
« Friday April 10 – NO SCHOOL Good Friday
« Friday April 24 – Spring Musical 6:30pm
« Friday May 8 – Field Day at Christ Lutheran
« Tuesday May 12 – All Day Outing to the Zoo 9am –2pm
« Friday May 15 – Noon dismissal- GRADUATION DAY 6:30pm
God’s Blessings,
Ms. Keator
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