23 Kindergarten Scoop
February 22, 2020
Week Recap
More than halfway through this month and we are continuing to work hard in all areas. The students did a great job on their memory this week. Please continue to help them memorize their lines for next month. In Math, we worked on graphing animals and positional words/shapes. In Literacy, we worked on compound words. This was interesting and very entering. We also worked on the letter E. In Art, we created two paintings that are colorful and very beautiful. These paintings will be available to bid on at the auction. Please buy your tickets, from the office, and join us for a fun night that benefits our students and school. More information listed below. Lastly, I want to thank the children for singing during chapel. They did a wonderful job praising our Lord.
Kindergarten will be leading Chapel on Wednesday, March 25. Please mark it on your calendar and hopefully you can attend. The students have their lines for our skit and have been working hard. Thank you for practicing with them. The students need to be here in the classroom by 8:15.
Memory Work
Our Memory work will be due on Friday February 28. Please practice this verse with your student.
Bless the Lord…who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases. Psalm 103:2-3
Show and Tell
Show and Tell for this week is something blue. Please bring the item in on Friday.
Sight Words
Please continue to practice with your child every day/night. We review the list every day as a class and individually. If you need another copy of the list, please let me know.
Uniform Exchange
Please take advantage of the free uniforms at Immanuel. The school uniform area is overflowing with clothes. Please come by and take what you need for your child. I took full advantage of the uniforms when my kids were at Immanuel.
Water Bottles/Snacks
Our water fountains outside our classroom are not working. The school is working on getting them fixed but for now, please make sure your child has a water bottle with them every day. Also, please pack a morning snack daily. There have been many students without one or both items. Thank you
Auction Basket and Tickets
Please join us for our 10th Annual School Auction!
Help Immanuel Lutheran School raise funds for tablets, playground equipment and textbooks at our 10th Annual ILS Auction! Grab your Luau clothes and join us for a silent and live auction as well as food, fun and fellowship! BBQ will be provided by Holy Smoke BBQ (Howe’s BBQ). As you know our kindergarten theme is a Garden basket. I want to invite you and your family to attend. IT’S A BLAST! There is food, desserts, drinks, dancing, and of course a lot of auction items. This is where you will see our paintings on display and you will be able to bid on them. It’s a great way to support the school and get items for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, graduation, etc. Adults can relax that evening and so can the kids! There is a separate “party room” and babysitting for the kids! They get to play games, eat pizza and desserts, watch movies and do crafts!! After the live auction the kiddos join us for a dance party. Kids tickets and adult tickets are on sale in the school office now! I would love to have you join us! Let’s fill an entire table or 2 with kindergarten parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or anyone that you know that would have a great time and support a great cause at the same time!
Jump Rope for Heart
Student Council is again sponsoring the American Heart Association Jump Rope for Heart. Help your child make a difference. Fill out the donation form or fill it out online. This is a fun and healthy way to raise awareness and donations that will benefit all involved. You can help your child set-up a customize web page with a photo or video and email it to friends and family asking for their support. Donations are made directly to your child’s web page – it’s that easy and something the family can do together! Help your child join our school team online and your family will be one step closer to being Heart Heroes helping to save lives! Please help your child practice jumping rope. The big day is set for Thursday, February 27, beginning at 1:30 pm. Jump Rope for Heart
It’s a Trap!!
For the week of March 16, each student will need to create a trap to see if we can catch any leprechauns. This is a fun and creative way to work on designing different types of contraptions. The traps can be any size, shape, color, etc. The traps need to be delivered the week of March 13. We will set up all the traps throughout the classroom on the 16th and see what we catch on the morning of March 17th. If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks
Talent Show
The talent show is scheduled for Friday, March 20. If your child is interested in being a part of the Talent Show, please start planning now. Children can participate as an individual and in one group act. Please keep in mind that all the prep for the Talent Show is done outside of school time. If your child wants to do a group act, you will need to coordinate that with other parents. Please see the Panther Tales for more information, as it gets closer.
Important Dates
Wednesday Feb. 26 – Ash Wednesday
Thursday Feb. 27 – Jump Rope for Heart 1:30
Friday March 6 – Auction
Monday March 9– No School Teacher In-Service
Friday March 13– Leprechaun Traps Due
Tuesday March 17 – Trap Day
Wednesday March 25 – Kindergarten leads Chapel 8:25
God’s Blessing,
Ms. Keator
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