February 15, 2020
Week Recap
What an interesting week we just finished. A weather delay, parent teacher conferences, half – days, and ending with Valentine’s Day. It was a fun filled week of learning and growing. In religion, we are working on our Chapel skit for March 25. Please help your child with their lines. They are working hard and it shows. In Math, we continued with patterns. This week we worked on ABBC patterns. In Literacy, we discussed letter G, reviewed our letters and the sounds each letter makes. We are continuing to discuss kindness and ways we can help others. Not just by words, but by actions. This opens the door for lessons on choices, good or poor ones. We ended the week with our Valentine’s exchange. It was a great time laughing, sharing, and making memories. The boxes were very creative and came in all shapes and sizes. Lastly, thank you for attending our conferences. This is the time to see how much your student is learning and growing. It is hard to believe that we graduate in 3 months!!! This year has been an adventure and one that I have truly enjoyed. I am blessed to be a part of your child’s journey.
Memory Work
For this week we will have their lines for our skit as their memory. I know some lines are long so select one or two to learn for this week. Memory is due Friday February 21.
Our third quarter offering will go to “God Cares About You” mission here on the southeast side of Albuquerque. This mission provides food, clothing, services, and spiritual care for the poor and homeless on the southeast side of Albuquerque. In addition to our weekly chapel offering we will also be collecting the following items: new or gently used children’s shoes, women’s shoe sizes 61⁄2 to 8m and children’s socks. Please send these items to your children’s classroom. We also ask that you include the God Cares About You mission in your prayers. The donations can be brought in any time. Thank you. Don’t forget that Kindergarten will be singing in Chapel this Wednesday, February 19 and leading the entire chapel on March 25. The students need to be in class by 8:15 for each date. These dates are approaching soon! Please mark them on your calendar and hopefully you can attend.
Show and Tell
This week is “Free Item” and will be on Friday February 21.
President’s Day
There will be No school or preschool Monday, February 17 in honor of President’s Day, classes resume Tuesday, February 18.
Auction Basket and Tickets
Please join us for our 10 Annual School Auction!
Help Immanuel Lutheran School raise funds for tablets, playground equipment and textbooks at our 10th Annual ILS Auction! Grab your Luau clothes and join us for a silent and live auction as well as food, fun and fellowship! BBQ will be provided by Holy Smoke BBQ (Howe’s BBQ). As you know our kindergarten theme is a Garden basket. We have a wheel barrel that is in our hallway and needs to be filled up! We can use all items that you need for a garden. Tools, seeds, soil, or even gift cards to local nursery’s or other stores that sell garden items. This has been a very good basket in the past. The more we have, the bigger the return. If you would rather make a cash donation for items to be purchased, please let me know. If you have not donated toward the basket (and we really would like each family to donate), please send in your donations, items or money by Feb 21. Also please let me know the price of each item, so I can total the cost of our basket for the auction committee. Lastly, I want to invite you and your family to attend. IT’S A BLAST! There is food, desserts, drinks, dancing, and of course a lot of auction items. It’s a great way to support the school and get items for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, graduation, etc. Adults can relax that evening and so can the kids! There is a separate “party room” and babysitting for the kids! They get to play games, eat pizza and desserts, watch movies and do crafts!! After the live auction the kiddos join us for a dance party. Kids tickets and adult tickets are on sale in the school office now! I would love to have you join us! Let’s fill an entire table or 2 with kindergarten parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or anyone that you know that would have a great time and support a great cause at the same time!
Water Bottles/Snacks
Please remember to pack their water bottle and morning snack daily. There have been many students without one or both items. Thank you
Jump Rope for Heart
Student Council is again sponsoring the American Heart Association Jump Rope for Heart. The Kick-off was on Wednesday, February 12 and we will be collecting through March 4. Students were given the information on the program last week. Our Jump Rope for Heart event will be Thursday, February 27 from 1:30-2:45 and Student Council will be sponsoring the different events that day.
The talent show is scheduled for Friday, March 20. If your child is interested in being a part of the Talent Show, please start planning now. Children can participate as an individual and in one group act. Please keep in mind that all the prep for the Talent Show is done outside of school time. If your child wants to do a group act, you will need to coordinate that with other parents. Please see the Panther Tales for more information, as it gets closer.
Uniform Exchange
Please take advantage of the free uniforms at Immanuel. The school uniform area is overflowing with clothes. Please come by and take what you need for your child. I took full advantage of the uniforms when my kids were at Immanuel.
The Leprechauns Are Coming
We will be attempting to catch leprechauns on March 17. For this activity, each student will need to create their own leprechaun trap. It can be any shape, size, or colors they prefer. This will be completed at home and brought to school on Friday, March 13. We will set up all the traps throughout the classroom on the 16 and see what we catch on the morning of March 17. If you have any questions please let me know. Thanks
- Monday Feb. 17- No School President’s Day
- Wed. Feb. 19 – Kindergarten sings in Chapel 8:30am
- Thursday Feb. 27 – Jump Rope for Heart 1:30pm
- Friday March 6 – Auction
- Monday March 9 – No School Teacher In-Service
- Friday March 13- Leprechaun Traps Due
- Tuesday March 17 – Trap Day!
- Wed. March 25 – Kindergarten leads Chapel 8:25am
God’s Blessings,
Ms. Keator
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